For the sake of 'the children' AKA Blowing smoke in the asses of American kids daily

There are at least 3 things that I think are detrimental to our children. Things that are hard preached to do for them. Sometimes, if you ponder a lesson in life, what you should do, what you should say.. for just a minute longer, it might start to make some sense as to why its a STUPID ASS THING TO SAY.

1) There is no one as smart/funny/beautiful/skilled at _____ as you are - Really? Boy is this one going to come down like a load of bricks when little Tommy finds out the time it takes him to rebuild an Alternator.. while incredibly fast, is still 5 minutes slower then all of the other guys at the shop. Whats wrong with telling your kid the truth? Hey, daughter... you are the most beautiful girl in the world to me, but there are a LOT of beautiful girls out there, expect competition. I think telling our kids to expect road blocks and the barriers of our own limitations is perfectly acceptable.

2) All drugs are just as bad as the others - Really? Well your 12 year old son just tried pot last night for the first time. And the only question he has now is... Well, mom said ALL drugs were horrible and would kill me quickly. And well, that pot didnt hurt me at all. I wonder what heroin is really like then??? hmm. In the least I hope you are telling them proven scientific facts. Such as how nicotine is far more addictive then any drug there is.

3) Dont live in a fantasy world - Really? How many of us walk around hardcore reailty 100% of the time. I know damn good and well if it werent for the few moments of fantasy that I can leech out of each day, Id be a bald stark raving lunatic by now. Long ago actually. Dont steal from your kids the stuff being a kid is made of, and if you can carry that into your adulthood, you have just avoided getting old for a very long time.


  1. I live most of my life in fantasy. Reality just sucks and since noone else seems to be paying any attention why should I? Don't do drugs, do alcohol instead. (YesI understand the wrongness of that scentence.) And sometimes there truly is no one as smart/funny/beautiful/skilled as them. Don't lie, but remember the truth is not always absolute. That's reserved for Vodka. Most of this world is based on opinions.

  2. I'll tell you my opinion. Growing up most of the things I did that were fun were called Immature.Using this logic it seems to me that being mature means you've forgotten how to have fun.So in the end it isn't growing old that drains the life from us and makes us die, it's becomming mature. We cannot stop ourselves from aging, but we can hold onto the child inside us by remembering how to have fun. I know and surround myself normally with people who have avoided becomming mature (Such as BM&wife who are great at having fun!) From what I've read your one of us too. So smile Joy, the reversable suits are actually comfy and the medication taste like flinstone vitamins!

  3. Mmmm

    Im in anywhere that has anything that taste like flintstone vitamins.

  4. The Psychology Textbooks also say that Adulthood happens and adolescence ends when one accepts adult responsibilities...I do not and choose not to ever accept adult responsibilities...since I don't know what they are...Forever an adolescent...

    I agree very much with your philosophies well as Azathoths...


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