So far down

It's down to this

I've got to make this life make sense

Can anyone tell what I've done

I miss the life

I miss the colors of the world

Can anyone tell where I am


  1. Sounds to me like you are in the Bleak. It is before you fall into the Dark. Full of grays and half shadows of old ideas. But do not worry. The winter is the time of the Bleak. Stay calm. It will all be ok and one day, not too far from now, you will be hard pressed to even remember what the world looks like when the colors are hiding.

  2. Where you are is Roanoke Virginia sweetie, at least according to you info. Sorry to hear the sadness in your post, I know the feeling all to well. Unfortunatly this life doesn't make sense, the only rules are the ones we impose on it. Know in your heart that your not alone, even if we can't hear the screams we can still read the pain. I wish I knew what to say to bring the smile back to your face, but I've lost mine right now too and can't find it either. For now just take my hand and hold on, we'll find a way out of the pit somehow.

  3. I been on the road so many times in the past, hard to describe, and not easy to forget.


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