Cover My Book@!

I added a photo of my book cover to my flickr album. I think PA did a great job on it. Let me know what you think!


  1. That cover looks great, Joy. Hmm, I need to figure out how to get me a copy of the book when it prints!

  2. That so rules! Love the design. You must be so happy, just like I am for you!

  3. You can save all the tree you want anon by buying the book online :D!

    Chad all you will have to do is go to a Barnes and Noble or Books A Million and order a copy of the book or get one from PublishAmerica online.

    Dan its my maiden name :)

    And yeah Az!!! I love the color and the design they made!

  4. Where can I see your book cover?

  5. Jay you should be able to go into my flickr folder, if not go to and type in my name Joy R. Basham, or even the name of the book, Cover Me.

  6. Hi Joy - I'm back where my old blog used to be. (With different look.) Glad to hear bout the book. This looks very cool!


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