Chastity Frye - A Mass Murderers Whore

I have no idea why this made the news last night. But I was watching the news and of ALL people I look up and see Chastity on the screen. Chastity is the mother of a friend of mines son. She all but abandoned him early on. This boy is now 12 years old. I cant imagine how he felt seeing his mother on TV announcing that she had been called by her 'escort' service to meet that Murderer in a motel room in Roanoke a week before he killed all those at Tech. I refuse to name the murderer because he doesnt deserve a name. But I am so insanely fucking enraged at the local news coverage of this whores story.

WSLS Channel 10, BAD JOB, BAD FUCKING JOB. You should have spent those 5 minutes telling us what one of those students at Tech was doing last month, instead of telling us how Chastity who got 160 dollars for 'dancing' for him was shocked and called him a weirdo. HELLO POT MEET KETTLE. A notorious slut and a mother who has abandoned 2 children gets news coverage for fucking a mass murderer? What the fuck were you thinking?


  1. I could not have said it better myself. I hate that fucking whore with every cell in my body!!!I hope she rots in hell beside the asshole she "danced" for. Well put Joy.

  2. Hi! Fuck you b the way. know this shit was yeas ago. I'm nt a whore 'm a dancer. If you wanted to protect my son you wouldn't call his moter a whore. All he knew was that I was on the news for meeting that guy at work. People like you start talking hit on the internet. You're a dumbfuck.

  3. Nah, if you were anything but what I called you out to be, you wouldnt have agreed to even get on tv, much less admit to even DANCING for this guy. You should be ashamed, and stop googling yourself, its narcissistic~

  4. Believe it or not, I think Chastity is actually telling the truth.

    Judging by the low rate she charged and her sneaky ass attempt to leave early, she definitely didn't fuck him.

    Probably half-assedly danced for him, while keeping a tight eye on the clock.

    The shitty entitled attitude she projects is typical for American sex workers regardless of the service they offer.

    Cho probably called an agency from the phone book like an idiot. Those agencies never offer sex since the cops would be all over them quick.

  5. Definitely a good logical arguement to be sure! I can't doubt that she didn't fuck him using that logic, I suppose even if she had the most disgusting part would be the prime time national announcement regardless of whether she kept her clothes on or not.

  6. Chastity is a whore that is right,cause ive known that women close to trust me when i tell you that,and by the way she has burned so many bridges in her years it will catch up with her sooner if not later.

  7. Yeah that's the thing about whores. Know a big blaring one myself. Problem with whores is they never change, and only bring bad news to those who are near them. Avoid Karma kickback, don't stand next to whores.

  8. She says "I danced for a little while and I thought we were done because he got up and went to the restroom and began washing.

    Why would he be washing if he didn't have sex?


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