5 For 5

5 weird childhood memories

1)Loaning my portabong to Cat and her mom confiscated it.
2)Making 'rock soup' in the park with Chris, actually with a pot and rocks and water n shit
3) Putting the car in gear when I was about 3 and rolling it down the hill and through a fruit tree farm.
4) Putting nair in this chicks shampoo cuz she was flighty. (meanest thing I think ive ever done and omg yes i feel terrible for doing that)
5) My dog Pandora, a 160 lb Doberman Pincher following me into Kroger when I was about 10 and people running and screaming. (there was a lot of doby h8 back then)

5 cars ive owned
1984 VW Scirocco
1985 Buick Century
1973 Dodge Dart
1987 Honda Civic
1984 Plymouth Turismo

5 unusual pets ive owned
My rat named Bud
Spiderman - Crimson Rosella (Parrot)
2 Ferretts Yankee and Silver
My new tortiseshell kitten :p

5 weird flavors I like
Root Beer
Cream Soda
The Mystery Taffy flavor thing, damn things I cant think of what they are called now. Ill edit this later

5 weird things on my computer desk
Golden Seal Root
Canibus - Second Round K.O CD single
A watermelon cigar
A beany Dragon
A Strawberry Thief Paperweight


  1. i had a cat named pandora...

    ill update my blog this week probly... keep an eye out for it

    new pictures too ;)

  2. Oh Sweet!!

    I been on IM a lot btw.

  3. OMG I love horehounds... my uncle Buster used to keep them in a coffee can in his garage were he worked on cars when I was little, best memory ever.
    Strangest pet a cat named midnight (black cat natch) used to sniff the gas stove, so weird.
    Only onwed two cars:
    Geo metro aka lee press on car
    Honda Civic hatch back FTW...
    5 things on my desk"
    Garfield TY beanine
    Einstein on a surfboard
    Three small note pads (never know when you have to right shat down)
    Tibeten prayer flags
    A small cherry wood Buddha

    I also had a cat named pandora... strange cat too.

    LOL good times


  4. I wish I had a pandora. All I have is a Tigger-Cat, and I used to have a shitload of gerbils when I was much younger. THey all died though, and I got so sad each time that we ended up getting a long-lasting cat. She lives on!


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