Cover Me - Finally@!

Ms. Lynskey,

Here's an overview of where things go from here:

Your book will go to the printers today, April 24. From there, it generally takes between 3-6 weeks for the first copies to print. Your book will post on the PublishAmerica site soon after it goes to the printers. Pre-release letters will be sent, and your book can be pre-ordered for delivery as soon as they are printed. The official release date of your book will be June 26, 2006 (although it will be available sooner than that). PublishAmerica provides a cover picture and other pertinent information to the online stores, such as B&N and Amazon. These online stores often have a backlog, so it will be several weeks before you will see your book posted on these sites.

Have a great day!

Well! I am off to have a great day. God help the person who tries to ruin it!


  1. You publish a book? Kewl, what is the title?

  2. The book is titled 'Cover Me'. The subtitle is called Living loving and learning through loss. I wrote it to help people who may be having a hard time dealing with the loss of a loved one.


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