Messin around with EQ shit

Sorry Dan I know you are going to scream when you see EQ on here but here goes


  1. Still hanging on to it. Thats ok, it doesn't bug me. Only bugs me when people still tell me to come back, and I'm all I don't wanna, and they're all pussy, and I'm all pfft, and then it gets all quiet and akward. I wouldn't doubt that Newk is further along than G ever was and will get by now. In fact, I think G is still pilferable if he has shit to sell or not. We both know I won't hit up that account again.

  2. Yeah I hear ya Dan. I dont really care if you ever play again as long as you are around.

    And to anon, anons are just so cute, so I wanted you to have this pic since you left me a link for such a great one.

  3. Aww, Africanese people do the cutest and darndest things.

  4. I think this comment section on this post got a little out of hand, tsk tsk. Maintain order here, mistress! Just don't beat me again... not for a couple days.

  5. Michael, what would I do with my time if not beat you? Maybe we shouls try just talking and see how that works out~

    Too bad anon doesn't realize that every post they make has an ip listed and I can tell who they are, where they are and have an address that leads directly to their pc. Their IP is also static so it doesnt change ever. I wonder if anon has a clue what can be done with that type O thing :D I wonder if anon realizes that I am a pro at that 'type o thing' I guess we will see ...... Going to let em have one more post just to nail the IP down, remove anon posting, then Ill get to work!

  6. Anon may very well be Wenn... I personally wouldn't wish the guy, or his kitty harm


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