Dull Angry People

What is with some people who are the type that can not stand to see others happy. They usually don't act this out randomly in public but I KNOW if anyone reading this has had a few long term relationships that they have likely had this experience.

Look life has handed me some pretty horrific piles of crap in the past. Every man I have been with has been an utter piece of shit, and I mean that in the deepest sense of the words 'utter' and 'shit'. But I dont hate all men because of it, hell I dont even have any hardcore serious trust issues that stem from it. I still give them all equally a chance regardless of their predecessors actions.

But there are people who just cant live without having someone else to make miserable. I dont get that, when I am miserable, I dont want miserable company. Of course I dont want to be crying while someone is cheerleading and asking me if I want to make cookies, but I dont like company in misery. I like someone else to be there standing stronger then I can at that moment.

Why on earth would you want to bring everyone down to the desolate state you are in? Dont you realize that then everyone who surrounds you is weakened and vulnerable too? Who is going to pick you up? Who is going to offer comfort no matter how realistic it is?



  1. Know the saying Misery Loves Company? Well it's supposed to mean that when your miserable you like having someone there to support you, but people took it the wrong way and figured it meant that when your miserable you need to make others miserable. It's just like those who have been hurt trying to hurt others so they can share the pain. Madness.
    Sorry if someone is trying to bring you down with thier pain sweetie. I do my best to stay away from folks like that. Be strong and go make some cookies.

  2. I have 10 million orcs at my command. Don't be silly.


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