Anxiety and Marketing

Ok I am beginning to get anxious about the release of the book. I have several old issues about it rambling around in my head as well as new ones. Of course the old demon is the most basic. Did I honor the lives of the guys who died enough that I am going to be proud for their parents and families to read it? I really hope so. I am sure that anytime a writer rights about real human lives, thei tragedies and their accomplishments, that we wonder if we are doing then true justice. Only time will tell on that one I suppose. But in the immediate future I am facing another issue. That is, how do I get that book to the people who need to read it. Considering it is a self help or self healing type of book my base intentions are to help others learn through lessons that come from pain and drama they could be free of if just informed, or counseled. And in reality comes the third issue that has plagued me as a writer. Do I hope this makes me a famous writer? Well hell yes, but not if it is destined to forsake the other two former concerns. I suppose I will be taking several copies to local junior high and high schools in the Roanoke Valley and Bedford County. And a very good friend who is a psychologist suggested that I donate copies to the Red Cross as well as United Ways in the locale. When the book is published the publisher will be placing an ad in the Roanoke Times Arts and Entertainment section advertising the book. I know I need to get started on building a very basic page related to the book alone and of course having links to the books online store location, but there has to be more I can do. The publisher also sends out a flyer to a hundred people whom I put on an address list.

So, what am I missing? Does anyone have any type of marketing experience or just simply a good idea or addition to things that I may be missing or just having a brain overload in which I can't seem to nail down a damn thing!


  1. faith. your book will stand strong on the foundation which you wrote it upon. believe in yourself first and foremost. the book sales will all fall into place. word of mouth is always your best advertisement. allow yourself your much earned relaxation and rest while the words of your book speak the volumes of respect you have forecoming.

    congratulations on your achievement and major accomplishment. enjoy all of your special moments while they're here in your path. don't worry the journeys celebration into axiousness and nothingness. celebrate girl!

    your friend,


  2. I have a Masters in Marketing (my Major) :) Well if its to advertise ur book, word of mouth is one great way to start...

    Good luck!

  3. If you want to get the book out there you should definately advertise on the intarweb.


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