
Fockin roof

Holiday Update - Style Via Ironpants the incredible blogger


Redneck X-mas


Ok Ok I deserve this...

Losing my soul, finding my heart

$ongs for $ex

Wowie I did it


Compilation of songs I enjoy. DarkSoulhavoc Part 1

Name that tune?

Hard @ Work Part 1


Somethings arent as they seem

To drink or not to drink

Best Friend?

To burn or not to burn....

What kind of guy?

Friday Nightzz

The real me

Angry Turkey Day v1.5

What the Hell? v1.0

The ghost of the past


Name that song... please?

Angry Turkey Day

The Ugly Truth

Well, Well, Well

Reminds me

Wasting my time

Ph33R M3H

Nothing can do me in...

Men & Women


You've Been Warned

Weekends to remember

Redhead H8 Continues


On the other hand

Link to South Park MLB Style.

Thanks to brainy people who have creative brain cells left

Quote of the Day

Who gets mystified?

I guess I know


Something in the way...

Some things...

Harsh Truth kid

Devil Girl

Thursday and Stupid Questions

Me, Xanax and my shadow

Redhead H8

Truant Me

And another thing...

Just when you think...

I give

So I can do this now eh?

Blog Under Construction

10 reasons why I might not be good partner material

5 things Ill do this week to keep my Soul young

Light and Dark

Miss that too

Things to appreciate


That one ugly word

Gave it all away

Should I do it?

Root Canal for teh Win!~


How does this sound?

Evil Justice

Why Me?